How to use tempo to get more muscle growth

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When you are lifting weights in the gym do you have an idea of what rep range and tempo you should be aiming for to reach your goal? One of the main issues (mainly with men…sorry guys) is that people pick a weight that is too heavy and blast out 10 reps with no regard for control or contraction of the target muscle group. The rep ranges say they are training for hypertrophy (muscle growth) but the rep speed says ...

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Exercises for a great bum!!!

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Lots of women want to know the best exercises to work their bum (or glutes) so here are a few great exercises to get you started!

Warm up – Kick backs / Hip bridges
Many people do not know how to engage their glutes effectively when they exercise, start with some kick backs and hip bridges so you can feel them working before you start.

1 – Squats
Try to make sure you at least go past 90 degrees, keep the weight ...

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How to Deadlift correctly

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The deadlift is one of the most beneficial exercises you can perform in the gym. Done correctly it is a fantastic exercise to improve your glutes, hamstring and lower back strength which can also help to dramatically improve posture. Studies have also shown that heavy deadlifting on a regular basis can lead to an increase in muscle mass for the whole body due to the release of more testosterone and growth hormone into the body.

However, it is probably the most ...

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